Fantastical Being

Developing Your Superpowers

Welcome to Fantastical Being

Fantastical Being is a ‘made up’ concept to remind you that you make up your reality as you go along.  It's about being resourced enough in this moment to live AS IS rather than AS IF, so that you can achieve greater energy flow and experience the full power of your own potential. It's about fully embracing the wonder of what you are, how you work and what you can do, so that you can be open to the manifestion your most fantastic world right here right now.

Fantastical Being brings together:

people who are seeking a greater understanding of how to use intuition, vitality and creativity...

to explore, in an open-hearted, open-minded way, how to develop language and concepts around working with a wide range of energy healing tools... 

so that we can consciously make more love in the world.

Developing Your Superpowers

You are amazing. You are an energy beings in human form on earth. You are sourced by life sustaining energy that moves through you, whether you are aware of it or not. Energy expresses through us as thoughts, emotions and physical sensations, and through our actions, we create change in the world. With our superpowers of intuition, vitality and creativity, we measure, conduct and transform energy. We can literally transform starlight into Love.


Love is a quality of energy that supports expansion. Love is a kind of turbo-charged starlight that nourishes us and allows us to flourish. We all have the ability to create that energy. We all have the ability to make more love in the world. Through self-awareness, self-healing and self-development we can accelerate the process of finding ways to live harmoniously with ourselves, each other and the natural systems on which our lives depend. 


Intuition helps us know what's going on. Reading the energy around us and being aware of the impact it is having on us helps us to create safe and nourishing environments. Feeling safe is a basic human need. Intuition helps us to become more aware of the energy that is present in any situation. The more we listen to our intuition, the less we are able to ignore the pain and suffering of ourselves and others. The more we acknowledge the pain and suffering, the more we can choose to end it. In a world of increasing fake news and mis-information, developing our intuition is a key survival tool. 


Vitality is the foundation of resilience. The more we acknowledge what is going on, in us and around us, the more we need to be able to access all the resources available to us to sustain through the challenges this presents. Feeling safe enough to to explore the views of others is energy expensive. We create strong boundaries between others and ourselves to stop us having to heal or deal with their pain. We can stay resourced by using a range of healing tools to help us access the energy we need. Being resourced helps us to have the open hearts and minds that allow us to communicate properly. To be compassionate towards each other we need to maintain our own vitality. Being resources for each other, and valuing things that nourish human beings and all life on earth, is both a cause and an outcome of living in healthy communities.


Creativity helps us respond with love and create safe environments for ourselves and others. The more we can accept what energy is present, the more appropriate we can be in our response to it. Judgement is a protective measure we use when we cannot bear our own trauma or the trauma of others. It closes us down. It causes polarisation of views and the associated intolerance. It stifles our creativity. Seeking to understand ourselves and each other helps us grow, individually and as communities. 

Strenghtening your intuition helps you know how to be in the right place doing the right thing at the right time.

Building your vitality helps you to be more resourced and resilient when living through challenging times.

Nurturing your creativity helps you to be yourself and express yourself more freely with greater integrity. 

Integrating your intuition, vitality and creativity helps more energy to FLOW through your life.


It’s about being, not doing. It's not what you know or who you know, it's who you ARE that matters. To manifest love it helps to be resonating at the frequency of love. Love is the antidote to fear. When we raise the vibration of the energy in every cell of our bodies, and in the human energy field, more life force energy can flow through our lives. 

Fantastic for everyone

We honour different communication styles and personality types. We explore a range of healing modalities and the impact they have on the human energy field. We are interested in understanding what all people need to be resourced enough to change fear into love. 

We aim to create a community that synthesizes what we have in common as human beings through mutual respect, rather than trying to prove that there is a hierarchy of experience and practice. The purpose of community is to support and inspire you. You choose when and how you engage with that support.

Whether you prefer to work one-to-one or in a group, whether you want to do a course on your own or start joining in conversations with others, there is a way for you to enjoy Fantastical Being that suits your personality and learning style. You can email us at jenny[email protected] or [email protected] to begin an exploration of what would be good for you. 

Membership of this community gives you:

access to a peer group of courageous creators who will inspire you to learn more about yourself as an energy being through...

exciting content, activities and new, big-view thinking which generate...

safe opportunities to develop your intuition, vitality and creativity so that you can transform energy from one state to another

Community guidelines

This is a private community platform where you can express and explore your own potential for healing. We want to keep Fantastical Being as valuable, authentic, and safe as possible. We have created community guidelines to let you know that we take your safety and wellbeing seriously.  If we are not creating a safe enough environment for you to feel supported enough to join in, please let us know. Your growth is our growth. 

This is not social media! Yes - we are sociable in our shared interests and yes - you will meet great people in this community - but those people are great because their shared interests are mutual respect and tolerance, open-hearted/ open-minded communication, self-responsibility and holistic wellbeing.

Don’t spam, appropriate, promote or troll. We ask you not to share anything you see here without the source's permission. It’s not a place to advertise, project your ideas onto others, steal or undermine their ideas, or bully anyone else in any way. If you see this going on, please let us know.

Be authentic

Self-awareness is a key component of self-healing. Pay attention to what you really feel and what is important to you. Please, contribute with love, support others with kindness, and be the most fantastic version of yourself you can be. Please learn to listen to yourself before you comment on someone else's sharings. 

Be supportive of yourself

Speak from the 'I'. Assumptions and projections are not generative so please start your communications with 'I' rather than 'You'. Owning your stuff is the first step towards manifestation of who you really want to be. Be you. You are wonderful.

Be supportive of others  

Being patient and present with others and listening while they connect with their own being is the gift you bring to us all. Be kind. Only comment if you have something positive to say. Channel your energy into expressing your point of view with love rather than taking issue with the points of view of others.  

Be constructive

We’re here to inspire each other to move forward and to lift each other up. Please help each other think bigger and reframe challenges.

Be resourceful

Encourage and support your fellow members. We are here to find new ways of being with each other that generate the safety and support required for exploration and transformation. Deep listening, acceptance, curiosity, patience and a total lack of judgement are required to create healing spaces.


Learn to Listen. Listen to yourself. Listen to others. Listen to what is not spoken. Listening with Love rather that judgement is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves and others. Listening helps new resources emerge.

Share respectfully

The most respectful way of communicating is by sharing your own experience. Please own your own experiences. Allow yourself the time and space to explore you own experiences and ideas at your own pace, and allow this for others too. 

Share generously

This community exists to help you learn, grow and express yourself. Your stories and experiences may be exactly what another member needs to hear in order to realise something. 

Thank you

Thanks for checking us out. We are moving into a phase in our collective history when we will need all of the energetic resources available to us to generate solutions to problems we have been creating for years by not acknowledging what we really need to stay well. 

We are connected to everything. Everything we do, everything we think, everything we hope for matters now more than ever before. The things we do can change the world and we can change the world by doing things differently. 

We are really grateful to you for the work you are doing, on yourself and with others. Please develop your own ability to sense energy and stay really grounded in your surroundings. Find your tribe. We totally support you in finding your own way.  If this space can be of service to you, please join us. Together, we can.